Posts Tagged ‘trill’

3. Turns

Saturday, April 18th, 2009

A turn is like a trill that goes both up and down.

Typically, its a 5 note deal

You start on theoriginal n ote, go up one scale step, back down to theoriginal note, donw one scale step, and then end up on the original note again.

if melody is A:


The turn can eitehr stat on the same beat as the original note or precede that note as a type of grace note phrase.

2. Trills

Saturday, April 18th, 2009

A trill is kind of ike a lot of little pitch bends played all in a row.

Instead of playing a long note straight, you rapidly alternate beetween theoriginal note and the next scale note up — either a half step or a whole step, depending on what sounds best.

  • A trill can be as short as 3 notes (original, up one, original)
  • or last as long as the duration of the original note

You can play trills as straight 16th or 32nd notes or play them ‘out of time’ as fast as is appropriate.

Just make sure that when you are done trilling, you end up on the original note of the melody.