Posts Tagged ‘outside chord’

New Section: Going beyond the written changes

Friday, April 24th, 2009

1.  soloing outside the chord.

2. improvise with advanced scales

3. play more sophsticated solos by applying advanced scales

4. use chord subs in your solos

When solo, you play it safe by playing inside the chord changes


you can go wild and play outside.

If you take the more daring approach, you will need to brush up on some advanced chords and scales, cuz this approach requires a more sophsiticated understanding of chord and scale theory.

What exactly does it mean to play outside?

  • Playing notes that fall outside the normal chord tones.
  • to some it is playing tones to a different chord than written
  • to others, playing chormatic notes not normally part o the underlying scale.

We will examine all these outside approaches.