Posts Tagged ‘learning’


Thursday, April 9th, 2009

The following are questions asked by beginning students who want to improvise:

How do I get started?

Where do I begin? (Sounds familiar)

What do I practice?

Can improvisation be learned?

Is it spontaneous that there is no skill involved?

How did the pros learn to improvise?

Music and Life

Thursday, April 9th, 2009

Music is an art form.

I believe that there is a direct parallel between life and art.

The more we understand an art form, the more we understand ourselves. This learning process never stops and it serves as a catalyst to teach us about life.

Piano skills can be continually developed over a lifetime.

All it requires is a sufficient love of the music to provide the drive, perseverance, and self examination necessary to continue to grow as a creative being.

As one matures, the desire for quick achievement and recognition tends to fade as one realizes that the real goal of this study is the joy that comes from the process of learning and growth.

Teaching — a natural outgrowth of one’s own experiences as a msuician.