Archive for April, 2009

Embellishing the melody

Saturday, April 18th, 2009

To embellish the melody:

  1. vary the melody with bends, trills, and turns
  2. add grace notes, passing notes, and approach notes
  3. repeat motivs

First approach we learned: vary the rhythm of original melody.

2nd approach we learn now: next step is vary the melody itself by  means of melodic embellishment and ornamentation

Melodic embellishment — the act of changing some of the notes in a melody

  • instead of playing melody as written, add some notes of your own, thus creating your own unique solo based on the original melody

There are different ways to embellish a melody.

–some will come natrually to you

–some will take a little work

–they all involve adding notes before or after the melody’s key tones

Remember — even though you are embellishing the melody, you still want to empahsize themain notes of the original tune

Summary — solo varying rhythm

Friday, April 17th, 2009
  1. Vary the rhythm of a melody lets you create something new that still sounds familiar to the audience.
  2. If melody is rhythmically complex, you can simplify the rhythm by focusing on key tones or by smoothing out syncopation.
  3. Simple rhythms can be made more angular by adding syncopation
  4. you can back phrase a melody by starting it later than expected — or front phrase a melody by jumping the first note
  5. Long notes can be made less boring by substituting shorter repeated notes
  6. a more elaborate way to vary the rhythm is to use the same notes of the melody to create new rhythmic patterns.

6. solo — creating new rhythmic patterns

Friday, April 17th, 2009

the key: to change the rhythm of the melody without changing any of  the pitches , and without adding or subtracting notes.

It’s more than just syncopation, it is creating entirely new rhythmic patterns.

–can make five 8th notes to play 16ths, syncopated, etc.

–you can create completely new melodies by changing all the rhythm around; make sure you end up where you are supposed to when you are done.

5. adding notes

Friday, April 17th, 2009

Add notes into the rhythm.

This is most often used to embellish the pitches of the melody, it is possible to add new notes ont he same pitch as surrounding notes in the melody.

This approach takes a static melody and makes it more dynamic, adding movement where there was not much.

4. Solo – front phrasing

Friday, April 17th, 2009

The opposite of back phrase is front phrase.

You start a melodic line before where it normally occurs.

This technique is more difficult than back phrasing and is used less frequently.

A front phrase….start the melody on beat 4 of the previous measure.

You then need to stertch a note or two to get the melody back on its normal track.

3. Solo – Back Phrasing

Friday, April 17th, 2009

Back phrsing is a type of synocpation but applied to an entire musical phrase.

When you back phrase, you play the melody notes as written but you play them later than you are supposed to.

This creates a dramatic tension as the listener is waiting for the melody bu tyou hold it back and then release the tension when you let forth a beat or so later than expected.

The more you back phrase, the faster you have to play those notes of the melody that you held back.

You also have the option of dropping some notes out of the held back melody; this is more common with heavy back phrasing, where you might not have enough space to throw in the entire melody.

2. Solo – syncopate rhythm

Friday, April 17th, 2009

Synocopate a rhythmically simple melody.

this can make a boring melody sound hip.

Many melodies are written relatively straight; using quarter notes and 8th note staight with a minimal amount of synocpation.

Can spice things up in the solo.

take a smooth melody and make it more angular, by turning straight quarters and 8ths into syncopated rhythms.


— take a note that’s on a beat and place it on the off beat, or take straight 8ths and place them on the ‘e’ and the ‘ah’ of the beat

1. Solo – Simplify the rhythm

Friday, April 17th, 2009

First rhythmic device: simplification.

Remove notes from the melody, to make the melody less complex.

Key: picking which notes to remove and which notes to keep and to emphasize\

How to do this?

  • analyze the melody and dermine which are the key tones and which are passing tones
  • look at the notes durations
  • the imp notes are often the longer ones
  • the shorter notes are the passing tones

1. look at beat 1 and beat 3, strong beat, take out the others.

2.simply by keeping the chord tones

3. eliminate the syncopation by turning the off beat rhythm into straight 8th or quarter notes

Simplify the melody: you create a solo that sounds familiar yet is subtly different from the original

Solo — varying rhythm

Friday, April 17th, 2009

Easiest way of solo: build on the song’s existing melody.

Use different ways to elaborate on a melody.

play around with the melody’s rhythm.

Why do you want to vary the original rhythm?

and not the pitches?

–when you take liberty with the rhythm, you play the melody either looser or straighter.

— you can make it swing, or make it funky or make it jump and pop

— you do all this without changing the basic melodic shape; leave the pitches alone so that the listener still recognizes the melody even as you are varying the rhythmic components

–make something different out of something familiar

Varying the rhythm:

–let you put your personal stamp on the melody

–it is a stylistic thing

–you can speed up or slow down the melody, hold it back for dramatic effect or rush it forward to increase the excitement level

–it’s your solo so the melody is entirely in your hands

–use rhythmic variation to make the melody yours.

6 different ways to vary the rhythm of a melody:

1. simplify it

2. syncopate it

3. employ back phrasing and front phrasing

4. add notes

5. create entirely new rhythmic patterns

Key: to do all these things while still letting the original melody shine through.

Different solos

Friday, April 17th, 2009

Different solo forms

1. Stating the melody

It has nothing to do with improvisation. State the melody of a song note for note as it is written.

2.  Solo behind the melody

IT takes the background, behind the melody.

A good lead line helps to fill in the gaps behind the vocalist without overshadowing the vocal performance.

This type of solo is more felt than heard.  It provides counterpoint to a melodic line.

It’s not a traditional accompaniment, not a series of chords or arpeggios

it’s also improvised on the spot just as you would on any other solo

You typically hear this tpe of solo at the end of melodic phrases or played softly behind a melody or even snaking it s way around the notes in the melody like a kind of counter point.

3.  Trading fours

  • this one alternates 4-bar phrases
  • two soloists take turns
  • you are required to improvise in short bursts; don’t have to come up with long, through composed melodies.

4.  Taking a verse

  • this is traditional improvised solor form where you play over a et of chod changes
  • the solo lass at least an entire verse or chorus
  • you can choose to build your solo on the melody or start from scratch  by improvising over the underlying chord changes
  • you can stay as close to the melody as you want or go outside as the music warrants

5.  Cadenzas

  • not fequentely encountered; very special
  • true solo solo
  • make up anything you want
  • showcase

Different approaches:

1. interpret the melody

  • this is easiest to learn
  • you take on the song’s existing melody
  • you don’t have to improvise a thing
  • all you do is to play the melody in your own interp
  • just play the melody, relatively straight and with feeling and bring it all home.

2. embellish the melody

  • instead of playing the melody straight, add a few flourishes here and there t make things interesting
  • this might vary the rhythm, or embellish the melodic line, or play a melodic line related but not identical to the original melody.

3.  Riffing

  • very common approach to solo; fancy licks to solo; as fast as you can and as frivilous and letting it rip to end a long solo

4.  scale based horizontal improvisation

  • improvising is composing a melody on the spot
  • one way is to improvise a melody is to base your solo linen the notes of the underlying scale
  • it is horizontal as it ascend or descend scale
  • it is linear in its approach
  • moving either stepwise or in larger intervals.

5.  Chord-based (vertical) improvisation

  • vertical improv is based on the notes of the music underlying chords
  • scale flows horizontally, a chord is built vertically
  • it is like playing arpeggios
  • it tends t  move in larger intervals than a scale-based solo and consequently tends toward more disjointed melodic and rhythmic lines

    6.  Through form (melodic) improvisation

    • the ultimate goal is to create a solo based on flowing melodic phrases
    • you don’t think in terms of riffs, or scales or chords
    • instead you think in terms of an entire multiple measure melody
    • think like a composer, construct melody in phrases
    • it takes a lot of practice to develop this type of melodic improvisation.
    • you create melody on the fly
    • you have to think in terms of long phrases, learn how to build and release tension over an extended number of measures
    • the best melodic solos use a series of motifs and variations, which requires a bit of planning before hand, the ability to think on your feet and build a musical structure on the fly